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Generate a bundleData based on a list of internal transfer transactions for the bundle transaction


everpay.getBundleData(items: InternalTransferItem[], expiration?: number):BundleData
itemsYESList of internal transfer transactions for batch transfers.
tagYESThe parameters in items, the unique identifier of the token, can be viewed via the info interface interface.
fromYESThe parameter in items, the current everPay account ID of the signed transaction.
toYESThe parameter in items, which represents the everPay account ID of the external transfer recipient, can be any everPay account ID (including the current everPay account ID of the signed transaction)
amountYESThe parameter in items, the amount of the asset. Non-uint type, already processed by decimals.
expirationYESExpiration time of all internal transfer transactions, unix timestamp. Note: Non-millisecond timestamp.


export interface BundleData {
items: BundleItem[]
expiration: number
salt: string
version: string

View BundleItem Type


const bundleData = await everpayArAccount.getBundleData([
// transfer 0.001 ETH from account 0x26361130d5d6E798E9319114643AF8c868412859 to account 5NPqYBdIsIpJzPeYixuz7BEH_W7BEk_mb8HxBD3OHXo
tag: 'ethereum-eth-0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
from: '0x26361130d5d6E798E9319114643AF8c868412859',
to: '5NPqYBdIsIpJzPeYixuz7BEH_W7BEk_mb8HxBD3OHXo',
amount: '0.001'
// transfer 10 USDT from account 5NPqYBdIsIpJzPeYixuz7BEH_W7BEk_mb8HxBD3OHXo to account 0x26361130d5d6E798E9319114643AF8c868412859
tag: 'ethereum-usdt-0xd85476c906b5301e8e9eb58d174a6f96b9dfc5ee',
from: '5NPqYBdIsIpJzPeYixuz7BEH_W7BEk_mb8HxBD3OHXo',
to: '0x26361130d5d6E798E9319114643AF8c868412859',
amount: '10'
/* Returnd result
items: [
tag: 'ethereum-eth-0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
chainID: '42',
from: '0x26361130d5d6E798E9319114643AF8c868412859',
to: '5NPqYBdIsIpJzPeYixuz7BEH_W7BEk_mb8HxBD3OHXo',
amount: '1000000000000000'
tag: 'ethereum-usdt-0xd85476c906b5301e8e9eb58d174a6f96b9dfc5ee',
chainID: '42',
from: '5NPqYBdIsIpJzPeYixuz7BEH_W7BEk_mb8HxBD3OHXo',
to: '0x26361130d5d6E798E9319114643AF8c868412859',
amount: '10000000'
expiration: 1630575873,
salt: '3e4c7f38-b0e1-44ae-b3a0-1a5cfbaa322f',
version: 'v1'