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Each everPay transaction has a unique everHash string. Use everHash to look up the details of the transaction.

For example, for a normal withdrawal (not quick withdrawal), you can query the transaction details via everHash.

  • when the id is not an empty string, which means whether the transaction has been recorded on the arweave blockchain, which ensures the correctness of the ledger.
  • when the targetChainTxHash is not empty, it means the transaction has been sent and packaged on the blockchain where the user wants to withdraw, the assets withdrawn by the user have arrived.



Query FieldMandatoryDescription
everHashYESThe unique character generated after the everPay transaction is completed.

Return Fields

Field information can be viewed in DOCS - System overview - Transaction - Transaction Record.


curl --location --request GET ''

Example Return

"data":"{\"hash\": \"0x9b25f2f2cd0233ced0d9b6b4b6b8828747f54b7fd7d897db1eaf61f57325f645\", \"nonce\": \"0x5\", \"blockHash\": \"0x04f1209be4c9c0b0a976ef5389bed09dcd7a281e7a64e892c603186d13ef774b\", \"blockNumber\": \"0xbdaaa7\", \"transactionIndex\": \"0xe1\", \"chainId\": \"0x1\", \"condition\": null, \"creates\": null, \"from\": \"0x3F52acd59FFD2e5ea88c3aeB04046173fDbA8ddb\", \"to\": \"0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7\", \"value\": \"0x0\", \"gas\": \"0xf6dd\", \"gasPrice\": \"0x178411b200\", \"input\": \"0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000038741a69785e84399fcf7c5ad61d572f7ecb1dab0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005f5e100\", \"r\": \"0x67c6ea0e85a54d10dc6e20e7087b0f6a4fcf3173e38cd6847dbe2c92dd307e54\", \"s\": \"0x57818c62707bbbd3aa5d8d527b6eafa62d0f02f9f2e11fe7bb680040328657d5\", \"v\": \"0x26\"}",