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Configuration item function

Used for development and production environment selection.

  • Default: debug: false

Development environment

everpay-js supports using development environment for development debugging, just set debug parameter to true and you can use everPay development environment.

const everpay = new Everpay({
debug: true
Development environment
  1. When using everPay development environment, if the developer connects with Ethereum account, API calls for deposit and withdraw will be made using Ethereum Kovan network.
  2. Since Arweave does not have a test network, even when using everPay development environment, the API calls for everPay deposit and withdraw will still be made by Arweave using the main network.

Production environment

When you need to use everPay production environment, just set the debug parameter to false or don't pass it, then it will be production environment.

const everpay = new Everpay({
debug: false

// 或
const everpay = new Everpay({})

// 或
const everpay = new Everpay()
production environment

When using everPay production environment, such as developers using Ethereum account connection, API calls for deposit and withdraw will be made using Ethereum mainnet network.