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Configuration item function

This configuration item is used to operate the everPay ethereum account model account via ethereum/moonbeam/moonbase etc evm wallet and to do the following for the account

  • deposit: transfer assets on ethereum blockchain to everPay multi-signature contract address using ethConnectedSigner.
  • transfer: use ethConnectedSigner to call ethereum personalSign to secure access to the everPay account.
  • withdraw: use ethConnectedSigner to call ethereum personalSign to secure access to the everPay account.

How to configure

everpay-js integrates with ethers.js for ethereum signing, sending transactions.

This configuration item also uses ethers.js#Signer as parameter type.

ethereum wallet: imToken/MetaMask, etc

Reference from ethers.js Connecting to Ethereum: Metamask

const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum)
const signer = provider.getSigner()
const everpay = new Everpay({
account: window.ethereum.selectedAddress,
chainType: 'ethereum',
ethConnectedSigner: signer

RPC API + privateKey

Reference from ethers.js Wallet API

const address = 'YOUR ADDRESS'
const privateKey = 'YOUR PRIVATE KEY'
const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider('goerli')
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider)
const everpay = new Everpay({
account: address,
chainType: 'ethereum',
ethConnectedSigner: signer,
Private key leakage risk

This method passes the private key explicitly in the code, which is a security risk

Conflicts with isSmartAccount, arJWK configuration items

ethConnectedSigner is used for everPay account operations for the ethereum account model, while

  • isSmartAccount For labelling smart account models
  • arJWK is used for everPay account operations for the arweave account model.

Only one account model can be used for the same Everpay instance, but developers can create multiple Everpay instances for more complex applications.

const ethEverpay = new Everpay({
account: '0x2ca81e1253f9426c62Df68b39a22A377164eeC92',
chainType: 'ethereum',

const arEverpay = new Everpay({
account: '5NPqYBdIsIpJzPeYixuz7BEH_W7BEk_mb8HxBD3OHXo',
chainType: 'arweave',

Relationship to account configuration items

When you need to call everpay-js operation-api, account parameter is required. And when it is an ethereum account model, the account parameter must match the ethereum wallet address corresponding to ethConnectedSigner.